Black 52 water compositions TDS 230-270, Nitrates <6, calcium< 58, chlorides<40, Ph 7.5-7.6, Sodium <25, Magnesium <58, HCO3 170-190. Our water is chlorine free with the maximum purity and seven steps filtration that removes all the impurity of water. We are manufacturing a 250 ml bottle that is best for Corporate Meetings, Parties, Events, Marathons, Banquets, Catering Services, High-end Hotels, Salons, and Spa etc., and 1 litre.
Black 52 Is Trusted Name In Bottled Water Industry, Kizansh Spirits with its wealthy skill & rich experience in F&B industry has now ventured into the water industry through launching BLACK 52 MINERAL WATER to provide people an ultimate satisfactory Product as 70% of the diseases are triggered due to adulterated water.
Maximum Purity
Cholorine Free
5 Steps Filtration
Healthy Water